Whether KTQ or ISO 9001 - quality management in hospitals is a compulsory prerequisite stated in the SGB (social security statutes) since 2005 for efficient work processes and structures that equally promote cost-effectiveness and patient comfort. If the internal QM shall be objectively verifiable, standardization and transparency of processes must be achieved. In order to also guarantee this standards for foreign language training for your employees, our trainings are based on the Curriculum German Medicine developed by the nonprofit telc Ldt. in 2014.
The telc Ldt. is a subsidiary of the German Adult Education Association (VHS), which has been developing language tests in years of cooperation with the Goethe Institute and who has now been the first institution to create a nationwide unified catalog by means of the curriculum framework for the desired language level German for foreign doctors.
Based on this curriculum, it is now possible for the first time to take the exam B2/C1 German for Medicals that is standardized and recognized throughout Germany.
A preparation section for the scaled telc exam is integrated into our courses, the test can be optionally taken at the end of the course at the exam center.
Moreover, it is also possible to complete the telc C1 exam university. Our instructors are certified teachers "German for Medical Professionals", own the examiner license "German Medical & Care" and have been working for many years as language trainers in adult education. They possess the professional and methodological know-how to impart German to doctors successfully.